Dental anesthesiologists, in addition to their hospital training, are specifically trained to provide anesthesia in an office setting. Dr. Sadeghi has provided anesthesia safely without any complications for thousands of pediatric and adult patients for the past 24 years.

Anesthesia delivered by Dr. Sadeghi WITHOUT anesthetic inhalation gases is safer for dental procedures in an office setting than any other methods in which these gases are used.
Utilization of mask induction technique (having the patient inhale anesthetic gases and fall sleep), without establishing an IV first is a very unsafe method that should not be used in an office setting. An IV line is necessary to administer emergency drugs in case of MH occurrence.
Utilization of mask induction technique (having the patient inhale anesthetic gases and fall sleep), without establishing an IV first is a very unsafe method that should not be used in an office setting. An IV line is necessary to administer emergency drugs in case of MH occurrence.
Anesthetic gases like Sevoflurane, Isoflurane, Desflurane, and Halothane can trigger a life-threatening emergency called Malignant Hyperthermia (MH). MH is one of the most difficult emergency conditions to diagnose and treat. MH treatment requires multiple trained staff and a standby laboratory to process blood tests for the purpose of diagnosis and treatment, along with a well-equipped hospital facility to coordinate treatment for different aspects of this potentially fatal condition. Unfortunately, a dental office is NOT properly equipped to manage and treat MH successfully. Dr. Sadeghi has eliminated all drugs that trigger MH from his practice.
Anesthesiologists utilize a variety of intubation techniques to administer general anesthesia. Dr. Sadeghi utilizes a nasopharyngeal airway (NPA) intubation technique, which an NPA tube is inserted through the nose, to provide safe general anesthesia in a dental office setting. The NPA intubation technique allows the anesthesiologist to provide a lighter yet fully effective level of general anesthesia compared to other techniques. Conventional intubation, on the other hand, is an invasive process that requires the anesthesiologist to insert a blade deep into the oral cavity and pharynx (laryngoscopy) to facilitate an insertion of a tube into the trachea either through the nose or oral cavity. This process exerts a tremendous amount of stress on the body, and the pharyngeal tissues can be damaged as a result of manipulation by the anesthesiologist. In an NPA techique, a tube is inserted through the nose but does not require airway manipulation. Since the conventionally invasive intubation process is not utilized in the NPA technique, the patient does not require an unreasonably high dosage of drugs to maintain the necessary levels of general anesthesia for the procedure. The patient's airway is fully protected with a multi layer throat pack which prevents any foreign material to enter the throat.
In other words, having used both conventional and NPA intubation in the past, Dr. Sadeghi has come to the conclusion that the NPA technique is the safest and least invasive option due to enabling the anesthesiologist to keep the patient asleep and comfortable with a minimal amount of drug administration. The NPA technique also prevents major complications that can occur as a result of airway manipulation during conventional intubation.
Recovery from anesthesia utilizing the NPA technique is a lot smoother than conventionally intubated anesthesia in which the patient can suffer from post-op agitation, throat soreness, nose bleed, pharyngeal tissue damage, and airway swelling. Since dental patients are discharged shortly after the termination of the procedure, it is imperative to use anesthesia techniques that minimize post-op complications.
Dr. Sadeghi’s anesthesia delivery produces a very smooth recovery. Parents are pleased to observe their child being comfortable and relaxed with no post-op agitation or complications during the recovery period.